The project

The project will generate a methodology and a curriculum for trainers and implement Local Training Labs in each partner country.

The project focuses on the creation of OEP (Open Educational Practices) applied to the use of heritage in local communities that promote social inclusion. It is a combination of innovative pedagogical practices in the context of local community projects where knowledge of heritage is encouraged with the participation of disadvantaged people.

The OpenCCCP Project wants:

  • To promote a model of highly effective open educational practices.
  • To inspire cultural mediators to initiate community processes through a common framework based on open educational practices.
  • To develop specific and practical plans to initiate community processes based on tangible, intangible, natural or digital cultural heritage.
  • To identify and share innovative learning approaches by other actors that use open educational practices.

Project news

  • On Friday 24th April we held our first working meeting of the project from confinement, each from his own country. We have made an analysis of the situation in order to assess the next steps to be taken (The Train the Trainers in attendance, give......

  • City Mine(d) has been active in London for about 15 years. The neighbourhoods we work in are among the more deprived in the country, and as a consequence constantly subject to ambitious development plans. Take for instance the redevelopment of Kings Cross (where a Eurostar......

  • The document COMPREHENSIVE MODEL FOR OPEN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE proposes a model of learning from the practices developed by professionals in community work in disadvantaged environments or neighbourhoods. The model, referred to as a learning framework, emerges from the experience of several organisa...

  • The research of OEP under the 8 attributes is near to ending by all the partners of the project. Is a long work because to identify a good OEP to fit in OpenCCCP is not easy. The 8 attributes are: participatory technologies;  openness;  innovation and......